Sunday, January 18, 2009


These are the babies - Toby and Pebbles. We have all kinds of goofy nicknames for them like:
Kittywinkies, fatso, fuzzy face, piggy-wiggy, cutie pie, squeaker, little pig, fuzz ball, the little thing, the blob, Pebble-webbles, Tobitses, Mr. Tobbers....the list goes on.

Toby was annoyed that I was interrupting his beauty sleep to photograph him.

Pebbles follows Toby wherever he goes. She adores him! He gives her a good, firm swat every now and then when she gets on his nerves.

1 comment:

Tori said...

Your kitties are sooooo cute!!!
I had a great time seeing how big Pebbles is...she turned out to be such a sweet kitty!

Love you,